The importance of preparing for a health crisis as an employer

Par Cedric Pharand Le 2021-10-13

A health crisis can disrupt calm within a company and affect productivity if employees and management are not properly prepared. Also, victims’ chances of survival may be slim in some situations if emergency care is not provided on time. Thus, it is important that each employer take the necessary measures before this happens in order to better manage the situation. What should we do then?

Preparations to plan to successfully overcome a health crisis

The employer is the main responsible party within the company. It is therefore the employer’s duty to put in place the appropriate measures to deal with health crises within the company and to maintain calm in all circumstances in order to guarantee the safety of all as well as the continuation of the work. So here is what they need to do.

Employee training

The employer must designate several employees who will take a first aid course in order to be able to intervene quickly in the event of an accident or any other health crisis at work. Thanks to their training, they are qualified to carry out survival maneuvers in the event of discomfort, loss of consciousness, injuries, or respiratory problems while awaiting the arrival of help. They are also able to properly handle medical equipment such as defibrillators. At least one of these individuals must be present whenever the offices are open.

Investment in emergency equipment

The employer should also consider investing in emergency equipment such as defibrillators so that emergency workers can administer the necessary care to victims on time. Also, protective equipment such as gloves, masks, visors, and even hand cleaning products must be available in order to limit the risks of contamination of workers or other employees in the event of a suspected contagious disease.

Impact Santé+: a valuable partner

The Impact Santé+ services could be of great use to you in the process of preparing for a health crisis.

First aid training

Impact Santé+ offers various first aid courses for adults of all levels, depending on their sector of activity. For example, there are classic training courses or even specific training courses for those who work mainly in the countryside, such as tourist guides. Our instructors can come to your premises to administer the lessons to a group of at least 8 people.

The sale of emergency equipment

Impact Santé+ also sells a wide variety of high-quality emergency equipment such as gloves, masks, and training defibrillators. Also, life-size adult and child mannequins with which students can practice performing survival maneuvers correctly are available in the store.


The presence of one or more qualified rescuers reduces the risk of general panic within a company in the event of a health crisis (accident, illness, or other). In addition, their intervention considerably increases the probability of survival of victims. Impact Santé+ offers many first aid training courses accessible to everyone. We also sell top quality emergency equipment at competitive prices.