The Covid-19 test, commonly referred to as “antigen”, confirms whether or not an individual has contracted the virus. Available on the market, it can be performed at home, without the intervention or assistance of a health professional. How does this device work and how do I use it?
A rapid Covid-19 test is made up of the following:
The use of the device is then very simple:
Remember to wash your hands and disinfect the surroundings before testing.
The name “antigen” comes from the fact that the test detects antigens which are proteins on the surface of Covid-19. The test strip making up the device is covered in antibodies to the virus. If the individual is contaminated, the latter will bind to the viral proteins released thanks to the reactive liquid. Finally, this connection is intercepted by the sensor present on the strip, which generates the positive result.
First, the antigen screening test is easy to use and does not require any specific medical skills. In addition, the results are obtained in only 15 to 20 minutes and its cost is lower compared to the PCR test. Therefore, it is much more accessible for the general public. On the other hand, the quality of the devices, and therefore the reliability of the results, vary considerably according to the manufacturers.
At Impact Santé+, we sell good quality Covid-19 rapid screening tests at reasonable prices. We also offer you protective accessories intended to limit the spread of the virus such as masks, hydroalcoholic solutions, gloves or visors. You will find details about each product in our online catalog.