5 Reasons Everyone Should Learn CPR

Par Cedric Pharand Le 2023-07-25

At Impact Santé+, we strongly encourage you to learn CPR! There are now training adapted to the general public. But why should you take these courses? We explain why.

The reality of cardio-respiratory distress

Imagine the following situation. One of your family members becomes unwell during a meeting. You then call the emergency services. But they come too late. The patient is still alive, but the consequences of the incident are likely to be irremediable. And the paramedics are adamant! He could have got away with it without serious consequences if you had performed CPR. Besides, the situation could have been worse! Indeed, his chances of survival decrease by 10% every minute.

Similar cases occur regularly across the country. In addition, they occur outside hospitals in more than 70% of cases. Many people recover, with or without serious sequelae. Unfortunately, some people do not survive it. Statistics show that several thousand Canadians die of cardiac arrest each year.

The importance of learning CPR for the general public

Let’s draw from these previously mentioned facts the importance of learning CPR for the general public.

  1. Everyone should learn CPR so they can respond quickly in an emergency. And thus, limit the risk of serious and permanent sequelae.
  2. Every minute counts for someone affected by cardio-respiratory distress. Waiting for first aid to arrive could be fatal. So we have to learn CPR to save lives.
  3. Everyone should learn CPR to be able to act independently in an emergency. In other words, above all be able to recognize a cardio-respiratory emergency. Then, know the procedures to follow in this kind of situation. Finally, be able to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation correctly. All this without any help. Indeed, there won’t always be someone around!
  4. We can easily find documents that explain how to perform CPR. They provide us with some theoretical knowledge. But we know that practice is important. Without training, we risk hesitating when carrying out the maneuvers. And even make mistakes. Also, we may have trouble using the resuscitation equipment. So, we have to learn CPR to have self-confidence. To dare to act and apply our knowledge. The trainings always include simulation sessions.
  5. Everyone should learn CPR to prepare for possible emergencies. We have seen that incidents can occur anywhere and at any time. It is therefore essential to be ready at all times.


In short, our CPR skills can save lives! This is why we should all learn CPR. As partners of the Canadian Red Cross, we offer several CPR trainings. Details of our courses can be found by visiting our website. We also invite you to contact us for additional information. We would be happy to answer all your questions.