Protective and sanitary equipment in Canada

Par Cedric Pharand Le 2021-09-22

Personal protective equipment (PPE) and sanitary equipment such as hand sanitizers are intended to protect you against possible contamination or injury in your workplace or in public places. Find out about the standards and recommendations in this area in Canada.


Standards and recommendations on personal protective equipment

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, which has claimed millions of lives around the world, PPE such as medical masks, protective visors, and examination gloves have been highly valued by the general public. The choice of equipment must, however, be made according to precise standards concerning:

These regulations were put in place by organizations like the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to ensure the product’s effectiveness for its intended use. We therefore recommend that you inform yourself on the subject before making your choice and favor brands that are approved in Canada.


Standards and recommendations on sanitary equipment

The use of hand sanitizers has also been increasingly recommended since the Covid-19 pandemic in order to limit the risk of contamination. In Canada, the manufacture and composition of these products are governed by strict standards to ensure their effectiveness and quality.

To find out if the hand sanitizer you want to buy meets the standards, just look for its DIN (Drug Identification Number) or NPN (Natural Product Number) on the label. Or, search the list of products authorized in Canada to see if it is listed.

In addition, you will need to find the following warnings on the labels of alcohol-based hand sanitizers:


Where to find protective equipment and sanitary equipment adapted to standards

Many stores and online sales platforms now offer inexpensive protective equipment and hand sanitizers. However, many of them sell unregulated and unauthorized products in Canada, which can be hazardous to your health or still put you at risk of contamination.

We therefore recommend that you make your purchases on reliable platforms such as Impact Santé+. We offer many good quality products, manufactured to current standards and at reasonable prices. Don’t hesitate to visit our online store to find the ones that are right for you.



Choose protective equipment and sanitary equipment that meets the standards and regulations in force in Canada to preserve your health and also because they are the most effective. At Impact Santé+, we provide you with quality products at competitive prices. We also offer the necessary medical devices for first aid training.