Personal protective equipment that all companies should provide to their employees

Par Cedric Pharand Le 2022-09-20

Caution has been called for since the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed several million lives worldwide since 2020. While restrictions are gradually easing, the disease has not been eradicated, which means that the use of personal protective equipment should continue, and even become a habit. Faced with this, companies are asked to take their responsibilities to best preserve the health of their employees. Therefore, they should provide them with the following equipment.

The mask: to limit the transmission of viruses through saliva and mucous membranes

The mask is essential equipment to limit the transmission of the disease by saliva or mucous membranes during a discussion with an infected person. Indeed, it serves as a barrier that prevents viruses from spreading through the air and reaching other people. Its port is especially recommended in closed and particularly frequented spaces. It is generally advisable to combine it with the visor for optimal protection.

Disinfectant or hydroalcoholic solution: to avoid the transmission of viruses by touch

Most viruses, including COVID-19, are also transmitted if you touch an object on which an infected person has sneezed, for example, and you bring your hands to your mouth or even your nose.

This is why it is strongly recommended to wash your hands as often as possible and to regularly apply a disinfectant or a hydroalcoholic solution to eliminate any germs, and thus limit the risk of contracting illness.

We are selling personal protective equipment

At Impact Santé+, we sell the personal protective equipment you need to protect the health of your employees, i.e. masks or hydroalcoholic solutions. We also offer other products that may be useful to you, especially if you work in the medical field, such as gloves. All of our goods are of good quality and our prices are reasonable.

We also offer TDR screening tests

TDR screening tests are not classified as personal protective equipment. However, they are a great help in limiting the spread of the virus within your company.

Indeed, they make it possible to quickly identify asymptomatic carriers of the COVID-19 virus and thus to take the necessary measures to limit the risk of contagion. This implies, for example, the total disinfection of the workplace or the isolation of any contact cases until their state of health is confirmed.


It is the duty of employers to provide their employees with a healthy and safe working environment at all times. Thus, they should provide them with personal protective equipment such as masks, hydroalcoholic solutions and possibly visors and gloves in order to prevent the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. We sell these products, which you will find in our online catalog.