How to avoid the spread of Covid in a professional environment?

Par Cedric Pharand Le 2022-02-09

The Covid pandemic has claimed countless victims around the world for more than 2 years now. While the disease is still present, many countries have opted to return to “normal” life. Students return to school and adults resume their professional activities. Nevertheless, certain measures must be taken to limit as much as possible the spread of a virus which is constantly mutating in the office.

Barrier gestures

Health authorities have established barrier gestures to be respected to prevent the spread of the virus since the start of the pandemic. Let’s dive into it.

Distancing measures

As far as possible, it is important to respect the distance of 1 m when you are in the office. Indeed, the virus can be transmitted by molecules in suspension such as drops of saliva when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Being at least 1 m from a sick person thus limits the risk of contagion.

Wearing a mask

Wearing mask prevents you from transmitting the Covid to your colleagues even if you are a healthy carrier. It serves as a barrier to retain the virus and this is also the reason why it is strongly recommended to change it several times during the day.

The use of hydroalcoholic solution

It is also possible to have Covid indirectly by touching an infected object (table, pen or money) and bringing your finger to your mouth or rubbing your eyes afterwards. It is therefore essential to disinfect your hands regularly using a hydroalcoholic solution, especially before eating.

The use of gloves or visor

For those who must be in direct contact with other people throughout the day, such as cashiers or storekeepers, the use of visors and gloves is strongly recommended.

Regular quick tests

There are Covid carriers who are in very good health. In other words, they have no symptoms and generally do not know that they are sick, yet they are contagious. The ideal would therefore be to carry out regular screening tests to identify all infected people to be able to isolate them and take the necessary measures in time to prevent the spread of the virus in the workplace.

Go to the doctor as soon as symptoms appear

Of course, you should always go to the doctor or perform a test as soon as the first symptoms appear, even if they seem harmless to you. This way you can take the necessary precautions to avoid spreading the virus in your workplace.

To conclude

Impact Santé+ is your ally in the fight against the spread of Covid in your professional environment. We offer quality equipment and products such as masks, disinfectants, gloves and even visors. We also sell effective rapid screening tests. Find all our products in the shop of our official website.