The importance of COVID screening in the workplace

Par Cedric Pharand Le 2022-01-12

The global COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc around the world, two years after it was first identified. Particularly contagious, the virus can however seriously affect patients and cause serious respiratory problems, even causing death in some cases. Currently, screening tests are available on the market and we have options available for you at Impact Santé+.

How important is COVID screening at work/office?

Sometimes a person with COVID has no symptoms. Being perfectly healthy, she does not suspect that she is infected and can therefore transmit the disease to her co-workers. The contagion is done via sputters, matter suspended in the air after a sneeze or a cough or even indirect contact by touching an infected object.

In turn, these people can transmit the virus to those around them and this is how the disease spreads at lightning speed. Yet COVID can be deadly in the most severe cases of lung damage. As workplaces/offices are places where many people meet daily and it is sometimes difficult to respect distanciation, regular screening is essential to identify carriers of the virus in time and take appropriate measures needed to limit its spread.

How does the rapid COVID test work?

The COVID screening device BOSON that we offer detects the presence of the virus in your body through a sample of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions. Ideally, the test is performed 6 days after the onset of symptoms, but it is advisable to perform it regularly in offices or workplaces in order to detect the disease in the absence of symptoms. The process is painless and takes around 15 to 20 minutes.

What are the first symptoms of COVID?

Consider doing a rapid test 6 days after the onset of the following symptoms:

It is important to remember that the earlier the disease is treated, the lower the risk of serious damage. In addition, one must immediately go to a medical center in case of breathing difficulty because this symptom can lead to death if the patient is not taken care of quickly.


COVID screening at work/office is above all a responsible measure to limit the spread of the virus but also a means of quickly confirming the disease so that the patient can receive the appropriate treatments as soon as possible.