Understand the continuing education standards for health professionals in Quebec

Par Cedric Pharand Le 2021-08-29

Continuing education allows professionals of all categories to update their knowledge in order to be more effective in their profession. In Quebec, health professionals such as nurses and nursing assistants must regularly follow this type of training. Let’s do a check in.

How many hours of training do I need to complete?

Members of the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires du Québec (OIIQ) must undergo continuous training of at least 10 hours per reference period of 2 years. This must necessarily be linked to their professional activity so that they can deepen their skills and adjust their knowledge to new practices and technologies. Failure to comply with this rule may result in delisting from the OIIQ.

What continuing education programs are recognized by the OIIQ?

Healthcare providers must opt ​​for continuing training adapted to their profession and recognized by the OIIQ. Here is the list of activities accepted by the Order:

We note that the executive committee can establish a specific standard for the required duration of the training activity according to the chosen course, as well as its content, the skills of the trainer, or the systems of evaluation of attendance and participation.

Is it possible to opt for continuing education other than those presented in the list?

If necessary, it is possible to opt for continuing training outside the above list and then ask the executive committee to approve compliance and the permissible duration. The committee will make the decision whether or not to validate the chosen activity after evaluating the training criteria.

Is it possible to be exempt from continuing education?

A member of the OIIQ may be exempt from continuing education in the following cases:

It is also possible to file an exemption request in specific cases; however, the duration of the exemption must not exceed one renewable year.


The continuing education declaration must be provided at least 30 days before the end of the reference period and must contain details of the courses taken, the dates, the duration, and the trainer. The OIIP also has the right to require supporting documents if necessary.